


Some of Book Lists on Pakistan

   Pakistan- The Land of Purity/
   ISBN: 978-962-937-155-5
   (Written by China Chinese, published in HK)


   Conflict in Asia: Korea, China-Taiwan, and India-Pakistan/
   ISBN: 978-986-01-4758-2
   (Written by many foreigners, published, collected and translated in Taiwan)

   Survey on Pakistan's Foreign Policy/
   ISBN: 978-7-80752-624-7
   (Written by China Chinese, published in China)

   The wind which blows from the Khyber Pass- How we see Pakistan/
   ISBN: 978-7-5607-4224-3
   (Written by China Chinese, published in China)
   (Collection of newspaper columns on Pakistan)

   India-Pakistan relations and security in South Asia: Chinese point of view/
   ISBN: 986-7748-31-X
   (Written by China Chinese, published in China)

   美名之路 Deshonoree/
   ISBN: 957-693-675-6
   (Written by Pakistani woman, Mukhtar Mai, published,and translated in Taiwan)
   I think this one can get English and Urdu version

We will rock in twenty twelve

    Let us stand all together’ it’s time for a change
    Pakistan will climb so high, till the top most range
    Now please never lose hopes, prepare yourselves
    Yes Pakistan yes, we will rock in twenty twelve

    No more hunger this year, no further sacrifice
    Now fate of Pakistan, is to prosper, boom and rise
    To dig the secrets of cusses, day and night we’ll delve
    Yes Pakistan yes, we will rock in twenty twelve

    No one will be bereaved, this care should be taken
    Promise to not recur, all what we have mistaken
    Now carefully your flag my dear, our youths will helve
    Yes Pakistan yes, we will rock in twenty twelve

    / Written by Javeria Rases 



Two poems for me

I met a girl with short straight hairs,
Standing lonely & calmly,
I asked her why r u looking so serious,
Why r u depressed & looking suppressed,
She looked at the sky,
Like waiting for someone & something
She said by taking a deep sigh,
I have some ambition & vision,
To soar the sky, to reach high,
To listen the soul, to determine my goal,
To touch the stars, that shines too far,
To visualize tomorrow, by forgetting my sorrow,
To follow a path, to track my soul,
To desire something, that makes me whole,
I ask little, but I dream for more,
A place, a world to which I lived for,
I am a dust, with no storm,
I am a flood, with no roar,
I beg my Allah, to give what I want,
Right path, real world & to get what I can’t.


One thing we should not do is to approach these works
as if they provide somehow answers ready-made answers to the problems of today.
Only we can provide answers to our problems, rather the great works provide us.
The worth of a book is to measured by what one can carry away from it.


There are three ways of knowing a thing.
One can be told of the flame,
one can see the flame with his own eyes,
and finally one can reach out and be burned by it.
I wish I could become the burned one

Use whatever knowledge you have but see its limitations.
Knowledge alone does not suffice; it has no heart.
No amount of knowledge will nourish or sustain your spirit;
it can never bring you ultimate happiness or peace.
Life requires more than knowledge;
it requires intense feeling and constant energy.
Life demands right action if knowledge is to come alive.

Let it be

Let it be giving and receiving
Let it be teacher and student
Let it be mouth and ears
Let it be one chapter of a book
Let it be a reminder of our thinking during this period
Let it be the impartation of knowledge

Let it be immortal
Let it be endless
Let it be true