


Social Fabric in Society

Social Fabric in Society

“We all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes mismatches between old expectations and current realities”. 
--By Anne C Weisberg 
In our society there is no cohesion contradictions and hypocrisy are everywhere, even in individual level. Due to this reason we are facing lots of trouble. We called ourselves “Islamic Country” but we don’t follow the most basic thing .In Islam and any other religions the basic thing is similar. We can’t blame fall of our society to non-Muslims seeing that almost 93% Pakistanis are Muslims in our country and “majority is authority”. When we claim and set moral values for other people, the ironical thing is we don’t even follow ourselves. The boiling issue is our society is full of uncertainty. We shout loud Muslim Ummah Muslim Nation; we don’t do marriage with other sects or ethnic identities. On the one hand when any Islamic Country face trouble our nation and our leaders also start Rallies and protest on it but on the other when a couple get burned or killed due to love marriage, then we make a claim to other countries not to interrupt in our cultural values; on this matter non of any Islamic thuds and NGO groups do any sort of protest on it.  Actually the problem is Asian society is too emotional; seldom dare to face the facts and seldom dare to make a real revolution. We should behave ourselves well before we ask others, Pakistanis tend to say “insha-ALLAH” but seldom really take action, I m not only referring to common people, even people from high level also do same thing. We just sit there, do nothing and only complain, only say insha-Allah. We want to change the society but we don’t try to change ourselves “Surely, Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change that which is in their heart. (Al-Quran 13:11) ”.

In civilized countries people don’t bother if someone called them “son of bitch” and in Pakistan people don’t bother if someone called them liars. The other problem in our society is a man do mixing in milk or any thing. In Pakistan people always blindly support one person whether that person does well or bad, rarely will people raise voice against him.  In this country, nothing will happen when nothing had changed, from the top and from the bottom. When someone tries to raise voice, no one listens to him and people even suggest that person keep quite, the less trouble the better, and people in general suppose our society can only reach peace when no one tries to raise any voices. Nowadays in Pakistan women issues are targeted in majority in the mass media, such as woman rights and violence on women but issue is not just about women. Women issues are not the only issue we should deal with.

All the problems mentioned above are because of our individual hypocrisy. When a poor “chabri wala” works on footpath and the government work on encroachment, we support that poor man.  When someone earns money in illegal “Haram” way we do not bother that much cause we try to neglect the fact. We don’t do justice in our local areas and same thing happened on larger scale.  When one eats he would take the bite from mouth not from his ear or nose. When the election comes, one still will vote for a member who did corruption and didn’t work for society again and again based on sectarian, family background or others bases. In politics basic law and in Islam, it says, “A trading person can’t do politics”, but in Pakistan we see big traders, businessmen and millionaire do politics, and other side our Islamic thuds also do politics not for nation but for their earnings. If this nation doesn’t correct itself from head to toes, then see what will happen! The whole society will be totally out of control from social, political and even economical levels. The only solution is to create cohesion in our society, follow the guideline or build proper policy and system, otherwise Pakistan zinda-baad will remain only a dream, this country will only go downhill, and finally declared as a as fail nation. Allama Muhammad Iqbal said, “Words, without power, is mere philosophy”. Every single Pakistani should face the truth and stand up, this country won’t be saved by only one person or only group of persons, instead, and it will only be saved from all the Pakistanis from all provinces from all levels.

Written by Mohsin, edited and modified by SHU/Noor
Contact: mohsin.pakistanyouthforum@gmail.com / chiang.shu82@gmail.com

We are the youth
We are from two different nations
We are the youth 
We want to know the covering stories
We are the youth
We want to know the history destroyed by historians
We are the youth
We see the news with our own aspects
We are the youth
We line the world where politics has become dirty game
We are the youth
We want to change this world
We are the youth
We are here to share our opinions
We are the youth
We want you to interact with us
We are the youth
We are peace lovers, we want to see real peace around the whole world




清代移墾日據台灣是造成現代台灣人文景觀的主要背景,也成為台灣這些年來發展的特殊軌跡。殖民同化下所受到的折衷轉變所造成的生活態度,造成台灣在都市發展上與大陸和其他地區迥異,這固然是出自於日本奴化台灣所採取的 「農業台灣」政策的結果,卻對日後台灣即使至今,人口分佈,物產發展的結構造成了一個較均勻的佈署基礎,所不同的,就是因為台灣回歸國人治理,所以,發展出來的結果,讓台灣並沒有成為一個商業化的農業社會,而成為一個交通便捷,具有均勻發展工業區遇的工業環境,這是日人始料未及,也是國人迄今尚為深刻體會到的歷史肇因。


清末時,台灣在中國的政治定位才告確定,但長久以來的商業化與對外貿易,使台灣都市規模雖小,確有著高於中國本土的都市人口比率,這是與大陸邊陲城市的雲貴地區等比較所顯示的情形,然而大都市間的等級關係極不明顯,亦即彼此的規模差距並不會很懸殊,這是因為一則由於日本執行農業化台灣的結果,由於農業生產物殊異,因此不同於工業生產的集中,而較廣泛分佈。二則是因為不同期和不同籍移民的分據開發,利用甚多的小海港對外貿易,也是造成這種農業商品化的社會的原因。僅僅在由日據開發後,這種都市懸殊的差異才告產生,漸漸地第一大都市的地位趨於優越 (如台北),其他地區性大都市亦持續發展(如高雄),這是因為日本據台,帶來大量的城居殖民者,雖然小型鄉村都市也在陸續興起,但是累積速度有限。光復初期,大陸移民遞補離去都市的日本人,同時,原居民移入都市的速度較快,才造成都市體系的發靭。








阿根廷的人民歌手──Atahualpa Yupanqui (阿塔瓦爾帕.尤潘基)

Atahualpa Yupanqui (阿塔瓦爾帕.尤潘基)



 歌運動讓拉丁美洲人民驕傲的是有一批樸素的民間歌手,他們繼承了印第安的傳統,並且有「Payador(巴亞多爾)」的流浪精神,他們在天地間遊走,在窮 人中棲身。巴亞多爾即是遊吟歌手,擅長即興演唱,相傳是18世紀西班牙與阿根廷、烏拉圭彭巴草原上的混血騎馬游牧的「 Gaucho(高喬人,源於西語Gauderio 流浪漢)」,他們相信「生命誠可貴,自由價更高」。

最典型的高喬人一定是遊唱歌手,穿著破爛 Poncho(斗蓬),坐在牛骨上,身懷吉他,談天說地,通宵達旦,助興歡呼。

今日的阿根廷人在朋友圈內共飲一杯馬黛茶,一把吉他輪流傳唱,友誼就在茶香、樂音中散播開來,這是也是一種繼承自「巴亞多爾」的精神。阿塔瓦爾帕.尤潘基(Atahualpa Yupanqui )正是將此「巴亞多爾」精神淋漓發揮的遊吟歌手。






尤潘基的歌聲,無法用美聲或男高低音來形容,亦不能用「上帝親吻過的嗓子」來說明響亮清脆,更不是包裝華美唱著靡靡之音的流行歌手可以媲美,他的歌聲是源自 於內心深處、血的脈動,款款的滄桑自呼喊與吶喊中瀰漫開來,娓娓道來,樸實無華,非常自在,骨子裡留露出來的是時時刻刻與人民同在的真誠。




這主要歸功於Buenos Aires的一些詩人也參與到了這場音樂革新中,他們和作曲家以及歌手合作,創作出許多流傳至今的名曲。阿塔瓦爾帕.尤潘基(Atahualpa Yupanqui)便是阿根廷新歌運動的中流砥柱。他深刻地理解拉美民間文化的精髓,又用簡潔明快的演奏技巧,將歐洲吉他和印第安人的外表沉鬱卻又飽含激 情的演唱風格完美地結合起來,開創了拉美民謠全新的編曲和演繹方式。


早期他花了許多年的時間跋山涉水跨越阿根廷西北、玻利維亞西南到秘魯東南的Altiplano高原區,其海拔約3千到4千公尺,可與西藏高原媲美,著名的高原湖泊「的的喀喀湖(Titicaca Lake)」就在其中,尤潘基於此學習了印地安文化。


同一時期,尤潘基也加入阿根廷共產黨,1931年,他為了催促政府通過反法西斯的進步法案,推選支持Hipólito Yrigoyen當總統,後來失敗躲至烏拉圭尋求庇護。1934年再回到阿根廷。

1935 年,尤潘基的創作獲得更多的青睞,被邀到電台演唱,這時他才第一次到了首都Buenos Aires。很快地,他結識了暱稱為「Nenette」的鋼琴家Antonieta Paula Pepin Fitzpatrick,兩位成了終身的好友,共同研究音樂,一同以Pablo Del Cerro的藝名走唱江湖。

因為尤潘基的共產黨身 份(到1952年退出),他的工作一直遭受拜隆(Juan Perón)政府的審查,甚至有好幾次都被拘留和監禁。於是,他於1949年前往歐洲,1950年7月7日法國著名香頌歌手艾狄皮耶芙(Édith Piaf)邀他至巴黎表演,因大受好評,便即刻與「Chant Du Monde」唱片公司簽約,發行了第一張唱片「我是礦工」,同時獲得Charles Gross Academy獎之最佳外語唱片。

1952年,尤潘基回到阿根廷首都Buenos Aires,他跨越阿根廷到智利與Nenette共同建立科多瓦(Córdoba)之家。阿塔瓦爾帕的努力與表現在1960年代受到廣泛的認同,像新歌運 動歌手Mercedes Sosa和Jorge Cafrune都錄製了他的歌曲,也打響了尤潘基在年輕音樂家圈子的知名度,成為他們心目中的導師。

1963到64兩年間,他四處旅行,足跡遍及哥倫比亞、日本、摩洛哥、埃及、以色列、義大利。Jorge Videla的軍政府於1976年掌權後,尤潘基就很少回阿根廷了。

1989 年,法國重要的文化中心──巴黎第十大學(Nanterre大學)邀請尤潘基寫一段清唱劇來紀念法國大革命2百週年。歌曲名為「The Sacred Word」(神聖的話),在法國政府高層面前,演唱出這段不僅是歷史事實的回憶錄,更是為受壓迫的百姓終於解放了的歌頌。

1992年,尤潘 基死於法國Nîmes(尼姆),他的遺體火葬後灑在他摯愛的智利科多瓦高山區。《兩岸犇報》第13期曾經介紹過梅賽德斯.索薩(Mercedes Sosa)一文開頭提到《圖庫曼的月亮》一曲,即為尤潘基作詞譜曲的民歌,以這首歌告別圖庫曼的女兒Mercedes Sosa,也一同見證了尤潘基和索薩同為阿根廷印第安人與巴亞多爾的傳人。
